Harmony Montgomery

Adam Montgomery stands as he addresses a judge in court
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Adam Montgomery mugshot
Adam Montgomery reacts to verdict
Harmony Montgomery and Crystal Sorey.
Harmony Montgomery and her mom.
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Harmony Montgomery's mom talks to Vinnie Politan.
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Harmony Montgomery's mom, Crystal Sorey, speaks exclusively to Court TV.
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blair miller discusses harmony montgomery affidavit
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Red cooler
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Missing person poster with photos of Harmony Montgomery
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combo image of Adam and harmony montgomery
timeline graphic of harmony montgomery case
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Adam Montgomery
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Adam Montgomery sits in court
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photo of smiling Harmony Montgomery
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photo of a ladder inside of a closet
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Adam Montgomery appears in court
Kayla Montgomery on cross-examination
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Kayla Montgomery on the stand.
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Adam Montgomery listens to testimony of Kevin LaBelle
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Side-by-side images of Chris and Kim Frain, who testified in Adam Montgomery's weapons trial.
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Mark Reed speaks to the camera
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Kim Frain testifies in the trial of Adam Montgomery.
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side-by-side photos of Adam Montgomery and Harmony Montgomery.
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Adam Montgomery mugshot

NH v. Adam Montgomery

The latest legal news in the case against Adam Montgomery, who is facing trial in the presumed death of missing Harmony Montgomery. More

May 30, 2023

Adam Montgomery and Harmony Montgomery.
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Photo of Harmony Montgomery
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Adam Montgomery, with defense attorneys Caroline Smith, far left, and Paige Pihl-Buckley listens during a hearing