Killer Parents

Often met with shock and outrage, this type of crime is considered one of the most heinous, which refers to parents or caregivers who intentionally cause the death of their own kids, whether through physical violence, neglect or other means.

Man speaks on the left side of the screen while a person in orange is seen walking down a hallway on the right
Michael Turney speaks to the camera
Photo of Sarah and Alissa Turney
Photo of Grizelda and Dominic Herndanez
alex murdaugh appears in court
Ronald Anthony Burgos-Aviles listens as the verdict is read.
four photos of alex murdaugh projected on a screen
Sarah Turney walks with others out of the courthouse
Ronald Anthony Burgos-Aviles sits in court
Judge dismisses charges in court
District Attorney Isidro Alaniz delivers the prosecution rebuttal argument in the penalty phase of TX v. Burgos-Aviles.
Defense attorney William Boggs delivers closings in the Burgos-Aviles case.
Michael Turney sits at the defense table wearing headphones
michael turney appears in court
Michael Turney sits in court
Prosecution delivers closings in Mistress & Child Murder Trial.
Photo of Chad Doerman
Michael Turney sits with headphones on in court
photo of smiling gannon stauch
Detective William Anderson testifies in court